Just as any living organism, soil needs nutrients to stay healthy. We specialize in nitrogen and sulphur delivery to the soil, and our liquid fertilizers are amongst the most competitive in the market. Our flagship products in this segment are ammonium sulphate and SAM 19+5S, both liquid ammonia-based fertilizers with sulphur content.
Usable for: oilseeds, cereals, legumes, sugar beets, soybeans, hops, fodder beets, legumes, and vegetables.
Ammonium Sulphate solution is a liquid nitrogen fertilizer with a high sulphur content suitable for enriching the soil with sulphur or eliminating sulphur deficiency in the soil. The presence of sulphur increases the use of nitrogen in plants, improves the quality of agricultural crops, and increases their overall yield. It can be used as a spray or drench and combined with other agricultural products. It is particularly suitable for neutral and alkaline soils. It is a fertilizer intended for basic fertilization, fertilization during the growing season, to accelerate the decomposition of ploughed straw, and can be combined with herbicides and insecticides.