EDN® - Soil Application

EDN® - Soil Application

Kotva Kotva
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As the world’s population grows, so too does the need to increase the quantity, quality and sustainability of the world’s food supplies. Experts predict that crop production will have to increase by between 70 and 100% by 2050 to meet growing demand for human food and animal feed. However, climate change and variability, water shortages and biosecurity risks mean this is becoming an increasingly daunting challenge. Already it is estimated that insects alone cause a loss of food sufficient to sustain about one billion people – roughly the number of people who are currently undernourished worldwide.

To secure and increase the world’s food supplies, the agricultural industry needs effective fumigants capable of protecting valuable crops against pests and diseases both before and after they have been harvested. More specifically, the market needs viable alternatives to conventional fumigation gases such as methyl bromide – which is being phased out globally as it is destroying the ozone layer. At Draslovka, we believe in innovative crop science technologies, equipment and services that balance the need for effective fumigation with environmental awareness. Underpinned by a strong sense of product stewardship, our pest control solutions present a more sustainable way to secure tomorrow’s food chains.

EDN® is a non-ozone-depleting answer to today’s fumigation challenges. Its active ingredient – ethanedinitrile – is an ozone-friendly substance. EDN® limits the impact of pests and disease in agriculture. It can be used to disinfect soil and control insects, diseases, nematodes, weeds and other parasites before planting fruit, vegetables and ornamental crops. The broad spectrum nature of EDN® makes it an ideal drop-in replacement for methyl bromide. With no known resistance, EDN® overcomes the problems associated with growing resistance among insects and pests to traditional chemicals and fumigants.

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