Home / News Draslovka's Commitment to Sustainability: 2023 Report Highlights

News 07/23/2024
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In our 2023 Sustainability Report, we outline our substantial achievements and future goals, demonstrating our unwavering commitment to sustainability.

At Draslovka, we are dedicated to becoming the leading provider of environmentally sustainable solutions in mining, agriculture, and bespoke industrial applications. Our focus on reducing CO2 emissions and supporting decarbonization efforts underpins our ambitious vision and innovative strategies. In our 2023 Sustainability Report, we outline our substantial achievements and future goals, demonstrating our unwavering commitment to sustainability.

Over the last year we have made significant progress - from conducting climate-related risk and opportunity assessments, to reporting on KPIs such as Scope 1 and 2 emissions. We’ve also expanded our community engagement and employee wellbeing programs, enhanced our ESG governance framework, and established ESG and Ethics Committees.
A recent study by Skarn Associates confirmed that Glycine Leaching Technology enables a ~36% reduction in carbon intensity per ounce of gold produced over and above reducing NaCN consumption.
EDN saves 98% of CO2 equivalent emissions compared to conventional fumigants. Each container treated saves 22.5 tons of ozone, and each kg used saves 4,400 kg in CO2 equivalent emissions.

Pavel Brůžek, CEO of Draslovka, commented:
“2023 was a year marked by significant progress in our core mining solutions business, driven by the commercialisation of our cutting-edge GLT. Both our successful partnerships with leading miners and the findings of the research conducted by Skarn Associates reaffirm the significant strengths of our solutions. I am confident GLT has the power to transform the mining industry. As we look ahead, we remain committed to building on this year’s success and contribute to a more sustainable mining industry and, ultimately, a better world. I would like to thank the tireless efforts and loyalty of our employees and partners, all of whom have made this year’s success possible.”


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